GMAT diagnostic
This Free GMAT Focus Edition Diagnostic Test has 24 questions. It offers a simple way to understand the type of questions to expect in the GMAT. The Quantitative Reasoning questions cover topics like number properties, algebra, coordinates, permutation and combination, arithmetic word problems – percentages, time and distance, etc. Both PS and DS types have been included. The Verbal reasoning section consists of questions on Sentence correction, Critical reasoning and Reading comprehension. Some of the questions have been developed in-house and some borrowed from different sources on GMATclub (which are widely available).
Though this is NOT an adaptive test, the time limit to complete the test would be similar to an actual GMAT test.
After the completion of the test, a score will be given as a percentage. Expected Percentage to GMAT score conversion (this is NOT an exact conversion):
- Less than 20%: Below 505 range => You need to work a lot on your prep
- 20% to less than 40%: 505 to 555 range => You have basic idea of what the GMAT is. Keep at it
- 40% to less than 60%: 555 to 605 range => Decent! But still lacking in multiple concepts.
- 60% to less than 80%: 605 to 705 range => You are pretty much there. Need a bit of final push
- 80% or above: 705 to 805 range => You are almost there and maybe ready for the actual test with some brushing up
The quiz contains 24 questions - 8 on Quantitative Problem solving, 8 on Verbal reasoning (4 on Critical reasoning and 4 on Reading comprehension), and 8 on Data insights (5 on Data sufficiency and 3 on Integrated reasoning)
You have 45 minutes to mark your responses.
All the best!